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  • Establishment means: Native
  • Taxonomic rank: Species
  • Taxon group: insect - moth

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Showing 21 - 40 of 324 results
  1. Aplocera praeformata (Hübner, [1826]) – Purple Treble-bar

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

    Gwyfyn Teires Borffor, Gwyfynod Teires Porffor

  2. Apocheima hispidaria ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) – Small Brindled Beauty

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

    Rhisgl Brith Bach, Rhisglyn Brith Bach

  3. Archiearis notha (Hübner, 1803) – Light Orange Underwing

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

    Ôl-Adain Oren Fach, Ôl-Adenydd Oren Bach

  4. Archiearis parthenias (Linnaeus, 1761) – Orange Underwing

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

    Ôl-Adain Oren, Ôl-Adenydd Oren

  5. Aspitates gilvaria ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) – Straw Belle

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

  6. Aspitates ochrearia (Rossi, 1794) – Yellow Belle

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

    Llwydiaid Melyn, Llwydyn Melyn

  7. Asthena albulata (Hufnagel, 1767) – Small White Wave

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

    Crych Bach Gwyn, Crychion Bach Gwyn

  8. Biston betularia (Linnaeus, 1758) – Peppered Moth

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

  9. Biston strataria (Hufnagel, 1767) – Oak Beauty

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

    Rhisgl y Derw, Rhisglyn y Derw

  10. Bupalus piniaria (Linnaeus, 1758) – Bordered White

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

    Gwyn Godreog, Gwynion Godreog

  11. Cabera exanthemata (Scopoli, 1763) – Common Wave

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

    Gwyn Tonnog, Gwynion Tonnog

  12. Cabera pusaria (Linnaeus, 1758) – Common White Wave

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

    Gwyn Rhesog, Gwynion Rhesog

  13. Campaea margaritaria (Linnaeus, 1761) – Light Emerald

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

    Emrallt Gwelw, Emralltau Gwelw

  14. Camptogramma bilineata (Linnaeus, 1758) – Yellow Shell

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

    Cragen Felen, Cregyn Melyn

  15. Carsia sororiata (Hübner, [1813]) – Manchester Treble-Bar

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

    Gwyfyn Teires y Gogledd, Gwyfynod Teires y Gogledd

  16. Catarhoe cuculata (Hufnagel, 1767) – Royal Mantle

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

    Brychan Mantellog, Brychanau Mantellog

  17. Catarhoe rubidata ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) – Ruddy Carpet

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

    Brychan Rhudd, Brychanau Rhudd

  18. Cepphis advenaria (Hübner, 1790) – Little Thorn

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

    Draenen Fach, Drain Bach

  19. Charissa obscurata ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) – Annulet

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

    Modrwyog, Modrwyogion

  20. Chesias legatella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) – Streak

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

    The Streak, Rhesen y Banadl, Rhesi'r Banadl