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  • Lifeforms: Plants
  • Taxon group: flowering plant

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Showing 261 - 280 of 415 results
  1. Pyracantha rogersiana (A.B. Jacks.) Coltm.-Rog. – Asian Firethorn non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

    Llosgddraenen Asia

  2. Pyrus amygdaliformis Vill. – Almond-leaved Pear

    Species, Flowering plant

  3. Pyrus communis L. – Pear non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

    Gellygen, Coed Gellyg, Coeden Ellyg

  4. Pyrus cordata Desv. – Plymouth Pear

    Species, Flowering plant

    Gellygen Plymouth, Coeden Ellyg Plymouth

  5. Pyrus pyraster (L.) Burgsd. – Wild Pear non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

    Perwydden, Gellaig, Gellygen Wyllt, Coed Gellyg Gwyllt, Gelleigen, Gellygbren, Rhwnynen, Rhwnen, Coeden Ellyg Gwyllt, Per Bren, Rhwningbren, Rhwningwydd, Rhwninen, Rhwnig

  6. Pyrus salicifolia Pall. – Willow-leaved Pear

    Species, Flowering plant

  7. Rosa agrestis Savi – Small-leaved Sweet-briar

    Species, Flowering plant

    Miaren Gulddail, Drysïen Bêr Fanddail

  8. Rosa arvensis Huds. – Field-rose

    Species, Flowering plant

    Field Rose, Ciros Gwyn, Rhosyn Gwyn Gwyllt, MarchfIaren Ymlusgol, Rhosyn Gwyn Ymlusgaidd, Rhosyn Gwyllt Gwyn

  9. Rosa blanda Aiton – Smooth Rose

    Species, Flowering plant

  10. Rosa caesia Sm.

    Species, Flowering plant

  11. Rosa canina L. – Dog-rose

    Species, Flowering plant, Freshwater

    Dog Rose, Egroeswydd March y Mieri, Breila, Rhosyn Coch Gwyllt, Rhosynau Gwyllt, Breilw, Ciros, Rhosyn y Cŵn, Rhosyn Gwyllt, Marchiaren, Egroes, Ogfaenllwyn, Rhos y Cŵn Coch, Mieri Ffrenig, Merddrain

  12. Rosa carolina L. – Pasture Rose

    Species, Flowering plant

  13. Rosa centifolia L. – Cabbage Rose

    Species, Flowering plant

  14. Rosa chinensis Jacq. – China Rose

    Species, Flowering plant

  15. Rosa damascena Mill. – Damask Rose

    Species, Flowering plant

  16. Rosa davurica Pall.

    Species, Flowering plant

  17. Rosa ferruginea Vill. – Red-leaved Rose non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

    Rhosynau Glaswawr, Rhosyn Glaswawr

  18. Rosa filipes Rehder & E.H. Wilson

    Species, Flowering plant

  19. Rosa foetida Herrm. – Austrian Briar

    Species, Flowering plant

  20. Rosa gallica L. – Red Rose non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

    Red Rose of Lancaster, Red Rose (of Lancaster), Rhosyn Coch Caerhirfryn