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  • Lifeforms: Insects
  • Taxon group: insect - butterfly


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Showing 1 - 20 of 295 results
  1. Heliconiinae

    Subfamily, Insect - butterfly, Terrestrial

  2. Aphantopus Wallengren, 1853

    Genus, Insect - butterfly, Terrestrial

  3. Papilio glaucus Linnaeus, 1758 – Tiger Swallowtail non-native

    Species, Insect - butterfly, Terrestrial

    Glöyn Cynffon Gwennol Rhesog, Gloynnod Cynffon Gwennol Rhesog

  4. Leptidea sinapis (Linnaeus, 1758) – Wood White

    Species, Insect - butterfly, Terrestrial

    Gwyn y Coed, Gwynion y Coed

  5. Phengaris arion eutyphron (Fruhstorfer, 1915)

    Subspecies, Insect - butterfly, Terrestrial

  6. Thymelicus lineola (Ochsenheimer, 1808) – Essex Skipper

    Species, Insect - butterfly, Terrestrial

    Gwibiwr Bach Cornddu, Gwibwyr Bach Cornddu

  7. Aglais urticae (Linnaeus, 1758) – Small Tortoiseshell

    Species, Insect - butterfly, Terrestrial

    Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly, dealain-dè na deanntaig bheaga, dealan-dè na deanntaig beag, dealan-dè na feanntaig beag, Trilliw Bach, Trilliwiau Bach

  8. Rapala schistacea Moore, 1881 – Slate Flash non-native

    Species, Insect - butterfly, Terrestrial

    Brithribin Llechlwyd, Brithribiniau Llechlwyd

  9. Pieris napi napi (Linnaeus, 1758)

    Subspecies, Insect - butterfly, Terrestrial

  10. Erebia aethiops caledonia Verity, 1911

    Subspecies, Insect - butterfly, Terrestrial

  11. Speyeria Scudder, 1872

    Genus, Insect - butterfly, Terrestrial

  12. Issoria lathonia (Linnaeus, 1758) – Queen of Spain Fritillary

    Species, Insect - butterfly, Terrestrial

    Britheg Sbaen, Brithegion Sbaen

  13. Danainae

    Subfamily, Insect - butterfly, Terrestrial

  14. Polygonia c-album (Linnaeus, 1758) – Comma

    Species, Insect - butterfly, Terrestrial

    Comma Butterfly, dealain-dè na cromaig gheala, dealan-dè na cromaig geal, Mantell Garpiog, Mentyll Carpiog

  15. Gonepteryx rhamni gravesi Huggins, 1956

    Subspecies, Insect - butterfly, Terrestrial

  16. Nymphalis Kluk, 1780

    Genus, Insect - butterfly, Terrestrial

  17. Melanargiini

    Tribe, Insect - butterfly, Terrestrial

  18. Hipparchia semele semele (Linnaeus, 1758) – Grayling

    Subspecies, Insect - butterfly, Terrestrial

  19. Hipparchia Fabricius, 1807

    Genus, Insect - butterfly, Terrestrial

  20. Plebejus argus cretaceus Tutt, 1909 – Silver-Studded Blue

    Subspecies, Insect - butterfly, Terrestrial