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  • Establishment means: Non-native
  • Taxonomic rank: Species
  • Taxon group: terrestrial mammal



Showing 1 - 10 of 63 results
  1. Glis glis (Linnaeus, 1766) – Fat Dormouse non-native

    Species, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

    Edible Dormouse, Pathew Tew, Pathewod Tew

  2. Neovison vison (Schreber, 1777) – American Mink non-native

    Species, Terrestrial mammal, Freshwater, terrestrial

    Mink, mionc, mioncaichean, Minc, Mincod

  3. Tamias sibiricus (Laxmann, 1769) – Siberian Chipmunk non-native

    Species, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

  4. Crocidura suaveolens (Pallas, 1811) – Lesser White-toothed Shrew non-native

    Species, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

  5. Sigmodon hispidus Say and Ord, 1825 – Hispid Cotton Rat non-native

    Species, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

  6. Mephitis mephitis (Schreber, 1776) – Striped Skunk non-native

    Species, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

  7. Sorex coronatus Millet, 1828 – French Shrew non-native

    Species, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

  8. Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris (Linnaeus, 1766) – Capybara non-native

    Species, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

  9. Lepus californicus Gray, 1837 – Black-tailed Jackrabbit non-native

    Species, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

  10. Sus domesticus Erxleben, 1777 – Domestic Pig non-native

    Species, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial