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  • Section: Data provider
Showing 71 - 80 of 206 results
  1. Data provider: Greenspace Information for Greater London CIC

    GiGL collates, manages and makes available detailed information on London’s natural environment via a range of services.

  2. Data provider: Groundwork North, East & West Yorkshire

    Groundwork North East & West Yorkshire manage all aspects of two country parks – Fryston Trails and Frickley – in the Wakefield District of West Yorkshire, on behalf of The Land Trust. The team of park rangers maintain the sites’ habitats and infrastructure, run activities for schools and the public, liaise with communities and support external parties’ events and projects. Surveying and monitoring the flora and fauna are increasingly important elements of our work, supported by volunteers on both sites. We currently undertake bird, butterfly and floral transects incorporating the extensive meadows, and woods and wetlands on the parks.

  3. Data provider: Hall Ecology

    Hall Ecology Ltd is an independent ecological consultancy based in the East Riding of Yorkshire. We provide ecological surveying, environmental monitoring, mitigation and habitat creation as well as ecological clerk of works services to our clients throughout the UK. From small homeowner developments to large national infrastructure projects, our commitment is to provide sound ecological advice and creative solutions to support your project.

  4. Data provider: Harestone Moss Limited

    Low-lying grasslands and peaty soil are the dominant feature of Harestone Moss, just north of Aberdeen. Intensively farmed for many decades, the site served as a ‘Q-site’ decoy airfield in the Second World War. It even has its own bomb craters to prove it. Now it is being transformed: the intensity of the farming is being significantly dialled back, a unique underground tourist enterprise is being created with recycled infrastructure, and nature is being allowed to flourish around restored wetlands

  5. Data provider: Harrow Nature Conservation Forum

    The Harrow Nature Conservation Forum is an entirely volunteer organization that supports the work of the volunteer wardens of nature reserves and wild open spaces in Harrow as well as encouraging surveying and biodiversity enhancement throughout the borough. All HNCF wardens note interesting species on their sites and report them to our central database. In addition we regularly perform more formal surveys covering many different taxonomical groups. We are in the process of forming a new group, “Harrow Wildlife Action”, to monitor and improve wildlife and biodiversity across the whole of Harrow. This group will survey areas such as cemeteries, parks and small undeveloped plots of land.

  6. Data provider: Harwes Farm Community Interest Company

    Harwes Farm Community Interest Company was set up by farm owners Gill & Andy Taylor in 2014 in order to offer access to the countryside to local schools and community groups. Groups may visit for education, recreation and retreat. Harwes Farm CIC seeks to engage with hard to reach groups in society who without this initiative for cultural or financial reasons wouldn’t access the natural environment.

  7. Data provider: Harwich Haven Authority

    We are one of the UK’s largest Trust Ports and our jurisdiction covers the River Stour, the lower part of the River Orwell, Harwich Harbour and a 12 nautical mile stretch of sea leading into the Haven. Our overarching purpose is to safeguard and improve the Haven so it can continue to flourish and be enjoyed by future generations. As an independent organisation with no shareholders we generate income through the services we provide any financial surplus is re-invested for the benefit of our stakeholders.

  8. Data provider: Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust

    The Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust is a charity founded in 1994, based in Tobermory, Isle of Mull. Our goal is to increase the knowledge and understanding of Scotland’s whales, dolphins and porpoises (cetaceans) as a basis for the lasting conservation of local species and habitats. Towards this end, we conduct research from our vessel Silurian; host workshops in schools and communities; and engage widely with coastal communities about conservation issues in our area.

  9. Data provider: Herefordshire Wildlife Trust

    Herefordshire Wildlife Trust is a registered charity working with landowners and communities to protect and enhance our wildlife and habitats and bring people closer to nature. We do this by: Managing 55 Nature Reserves - that's around 530 hectares of land reserved for wildlife Running projects within landscapes across the county restoring habitats and protecting wildlife species Working with children and young people in communities and schools engaging, inspiring and educating them about wildlife. Running events and workshops for adults and provide professional training for volunteers and trainees. We are supported by over 5,000 members from across Herefordshire and beyond. We are assisted in all elements of our work by more than 400 fantastic volunteers!

  10. Data provider: Hertfordshire Natural History Society Flora Group