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  • Taxon group: crustacean

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Showing 1 - 6 of 6 results
  1. Antrobathynella stammeri (Jakobi, 1954)

    Species, Crustacean, Freshwater, terrestrial

  2. Ceriodaphnia megalops Sars, 1890

    Species, Crustacean, Terrestrial

  3. Disparalona rostrata (Koch,1841)

    Species, Crustacean, Freshwater, terrestrial

  4. Eudorella species a (Bate, 1856)

    Species, Crustacean, Marine

  5. Niphargus glenniei (Spooner, 1952) – British Cave Shrimp

    Species, Crustacean, Freshwater, terrestrial

  6. Niphargus wexfordensis G.S. Karaman, T. Gledhill and M.C.Holmes 1994

    Species, Crustacean, Freshwater, terrestrial

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