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  • Section: Data resource
Showing 131 - 150 of 1968 results
  1. Data resource: Atlantic lichen indicators

    list of lichen indicators for BRM

  2. Data resource: Atlas of European Mammals

  3. Data resource: Atlas of European Mammals - Carnivora

  4. Data resource: Atlas of European Mammals - Chiroptera

  5. Data resource: Atlas of European Mammals - Insectivora

  6. Data resource: Atlas of European Mammals - Rodentia

  7. Data resource: Atlas of European Mammals - Ungulates, Lagomorpha, Marsupalia

  8. Data resource: Atomariine Beetle (Coleoptera) records for Britain and Ireland to 1992

    Atomariinae beetle data from the UK and Ireland. The data was collected by volunteers as part of the Atomariinae and Ptiliidae Recording Scheme. Recording cards were sent to BRC by the scheme organiser where they were converted to electronic format. The data is from the 1993 Atlas summarising information on the occurrence in Britain and Ireland of Atomariinae beetles in the genera <i> Caenoscelis, Atomaria, Ootypus</i> and <i>Ephistemus.</i>

  9. Data resource: Auchenorrhyncha Recording Scheme - records for UK verified via iRecord

    This dataset contains species records for the 400+ species of Auchenorrhyncha covered by the recording scheme, and that have been verified by the recording scheme. Records are from datasets made available via the iRecord verification process, which may originate from direct submission to iRecord, or via other datasets that have been made available for verification.

  10. Data resource: AW Indicator Ferns

  11. Data resource: AW Indicator Graminoids

  12. Data resource: AW Indicator Herbs/dwarf shrubs/climbers

  13. Data resource: AW Indicator Trees and Shrubs

  14. Data resource: Axiophytes

  15. Data resource: B9 indicator species

  16. Data resource: Back from the Brink vascular plant species abundance and distribution for Great Britain for the period 2002-2009

    This dataset of c.2500 species records gives distribution and abundance data on Plantlife's Back from the Brink vascular plant species, it collates information collected at rare and threatened species sites by Plantlife's Staff, Flora Guardians and Contracted botanical experts over a eight -year period. <br /><br /> The Back from the Brink programme is Plantlife's practical, hands-on response to the crisis of wild-plant loss in Britain - 35 vascular plant species have been in our care during the period this data was collated. BFB sites are monitored (usually annually) to ensure the populations are being kept at healthy levels and management techniques instigated at sites to conserve populations are working. Volunteers known as Flora Guardians undertake the majority of monitoring - this group of 400 volunteers allows Plantlife to have a presence at 240 sites across the UK.

  17. Data resource: Back from the Brink Willow Tit Annual Survey Data

    This dataset contains records of willow tit, great-spotted woodpecker and other bird species seen or heard responding to willow tit annual surveys, carried out as part of the Back from the Brink Willow Tit Project. Annual surveys have collected population data and distribution across the project area, which continues to show a decline. However, we now have a better understanding of the habitat characteristics used by willow tits and how far they travel between patches. Using state of the art radio tracking technology, we have collected data which shows that willow tits need a mix of vegetation heights and will usually remain within a 3-hectare home range, though they could need up to 7 hectares of habitat to sustain a breeding pair. This data has fed into a landscape management plan which will be used by land managers in the Dearne Valley to continually improve habitat for and monitor willow tits. More information about the project can be found on the project website:

  18. Data resource: Balbirnie

  19. Data resource: Balbirnie

  20. Data resource: Balbirnie