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  • Section: Spatial layer
Showing 1 - 20 of 150 results
  1. Spatial layer: National Nature Reserves (Scotland)

  2. Spatial layer: World base layer

  3. Spatial layer: GB countries

  4. Spatial layer: Biosphere Reserves (England)

  5. Spatial layer: Ordnance Survey Grids - 10km

  6. Spatial layer: Watsonian Vice Counties – 3 mile (GB)

  7. Spatial layer: Ordnance Survey Grids - 100km

  8. Spatial layer: Saltmarsh Extents (Wales)

  9. Spatial layer: Ordnance Survey Grids - 50km

  10. Spatial layer: Marine Conservation Zones (England)

  11. Spatial layer: Biosphere Reserves (Scotland)

  12. Spatial layer: Areas Of Outstanding Natural Beauty (Wales)

  13. Spatial layer: Square grid for reporting - 10km

  14. Spatial layer: DiveNI Sites 500m buffer

  15. Spatial layer: Lakes in the United Kingdom

  16. Spatial layer: National Parks (Wales)

  17. Spatial layer: Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (Northern Ireland)

  18. Spatial layer: World Heritage Sites (Scotland)

  19. Spatial layer: Ireland and coastal waters

  20. Spatial layer: World Heritage Sites (Wales)