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  • Taxon group: annelid
  • Establishment means: Non-native
  • Section: Species

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Showing 1 - 10 of 62 results
  1. Diachaeta hesperidum (Beddard, 1893) non-native

    Species, Annelid, Terrestrial

  2. Sternaspis scutata Ranzani, 1817 – Bristle worm non-native

    Species, Annelid, Marine

  3. Dichogaster saliens (Beddard, 1892) non-native

    Species, Annelid, Terrestrial

  4. Pileolaria berkeleyana (Rioja, 1942) non-native

    Species, Annelid, Marine

  5. Limnodrilus profundicola (Verrill, 1871) non-native

    Species, Annelid, Freshwater, marine, terrestrial

  6. Drawida Michaelsen, 1900 non-native

    Genus, Annelid, Terrestrial

  7. Branchiura sowerbyi Beddard, 1892 non-native

    Species, Annelid, Freshwater, marine, terrestrial

  8. Limnodrilus maumeensis Brinkhurst and Cook, 1966 non-native

    Species, Annelid, Marine

  9. Polypheretima taprobanae (Beddard, 1892) non-native

    Species, Annelid, Terrestrial

  10. Polypheretima Michaelsen, 1934 non-native

    Genus, Annelid, Terrestrial