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Showing 1 - 20 of 53 results
  1. Acanthocystidae

    Family, Protozoan, Freshwater, terrestrial

  2. Acrasiaceae Poche

    Family, Slime mould, Terrestrial

  3. Actinophryidae

    Family, Chromist, Marine

  4. Amoebidae

    Family, Protozoan

  5. Amoebidiidae J.L. Licht.

    Family, Protozoan, Terrestrial

  6. Anisonemidae Saville Kent, 1880

    Family, Protozoan, Freshwater, marine

  7. Arcellidae

    Family, Protozoan

  8. Arcyriaceae Rostaf. ex Cooke

    Family, Slime mould, Terrestrial

  9. Bodonidae Butschli, 1884

    Family, Protozoan

  10. Cavosteliaceae L.S. Olive

    Family, Slime mould, Terrestrial

  11. Centropyxidae

    Family, Protozoan, Marine

  12. Ceratiomyxaceae J. Schröt.

    Family, Slime mould, Terrestrial

  13. Cercomonadidae

    Family, Protozoan

  14. Chlamydophryidae

    Family, Protozoan

  15. Choanocystidae Cavalier-Smith and von der Heyden, 2007

    Family, Chromist, Freshwater

  16. Clastodermataceae Alexop. & T.E. Brooks

    Family, Slime mould, Terrestrial

  17. Cribrariaceae Corda

    Family, Slime mould, Terrestrial

  18. Dianemataceae T. Macbr.

    Family, Slime mould, Terrestrial

  19. Dictydiaethaliaceae Nann.-Bremek. ex H. Neubert, Nowotny & K. Baumann

    Family, Slime mould, Terrestrial

  20. Dictyosteliaceae Rostaf. ex Cooke

    Family, Slime mould, Terrestrial