Showing 1 - 20 of 64 results
  1. Anastrepha species indet non-native

    Species, Insect - true fly (Diptera), Terrestrial

  2. Barbastella Gray, 1821 – Barbastelle Bat species

    Genus, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

  3. Berberis aggregata C.K. Schneid. – Clustered Barberry non-native

    Species, Flowering plant, Terrestrial

    Pren Melyn Clystyrog

  4. Callitriche aggregate

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant, Freshwater

  5. Cheilosia species A Stubbs

    Species, Insect - true fly (Diptera), Terrestrial

  6. Cheilosia species B Stubbs

    Species, Insect - true fly (Diptera), Terrestrial

  7. Coccotydeus turneri (species inquirenda) Baker, 1947

    Species, Acarine (Acari), Terrestrial

  8. Corvus Linnaeus, 1758 – Corvid Species

    Genus, Bird, Terrestrial

  9. Delosperma N.E. Br.

    Genus, Flowering plant

  10. Eptesicus Rafinesque, 1820 – Eptesicus Bat species

    Genus, Terrestrial mammal, Terrestrial

  11. Eriosphaeria aggregata E. Müll. & Munk

    Species, Fungus, Terrestrial

  12. Eudorella species a (Bate, 1856)

    Species, Crustacean, Marine

  13. Eupithecia distinctaria Herrich-Schäffer, 1848 – Thyme Pug

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

    Pwtyn Teim, Pytiau Teim

  14. Habrosyne Hübner, [1821]

    Genus, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

  15. Hada Billberg, 1820

    Genus, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

  16. Hamearis lucina (Linnaeus, 1758) – Duke of Burgundy

    Species, Insect - butterfly, Terrestrial

    Duke of Burgundy Fritillary, Coegfritheg, Coegfrithegion

  17. Haplotinea insectella (Fabricius, 1794) – Drab Clothes

    Species, Insect - moth, Terrestrial

  18. Hieracium aggregatum Backh. f. – Aggregate-headed Hawkweed

    Microspecies, Flowering plant

  19. Hirundinidae – Swallows, martins

    Family, Bird, Terrestrial

    Swallows, martins, Hirundine Species

  20. Hordeum distichon L. sensu lato

    Species aggregate, Flowering plant